Philippe CHOLER – Senior researcher (DR) at CNRS
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA, F-38000 Grenoble
E-mail: philippe dot choler at univ-grenoble-alpes dot fr
Nationality: French. Age: 57
Research interest
I am working on the structure, dynamics and functioning of mountain grasslands. I am particularly committed to the development of a whole-system approach examining the linkages between biodiversity, soil, climate, ecosystem functioning and human activities. My current research investigates the greening of high-elevation ecosystems including its spatial and temporal variability and its main drivers.
2009. Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR). University J. Fourier, Grenoble I, France.
1999-2002. Ph.D. in Plant Ecology (with distinction). University J. Fourier, Grenoble I, France
1990-1992. M.S. in Cellular & Molecular Biology. University Claude Bernard Lyon I & Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
1987-1989. B.S. in Physics and Mathematics. Lycée du Parc, Lyon, France
Professional employment
2016-... Senior Researcher (DR) at CNRS.
2011-2016 Researcher (CR) at CNRS.
2008-2009 Marie-Curie European Fellow (FP6 European Programme). CSIRO CMAR, Canberra, Australia.
2003-2010 Assistant Professor. University J. Fourier, Grenoble I, France. Section CNU 67
1993-2003 Lecturer (PRofesseur AGrégé). University J. Fourier, Grenoble I, France.
Past responsibilities in research management
2020-2022 French National Coordinator for eLTER, a European Research Infrastructure on Critical Zone and Social-ecological systems
2015-2020 Director of the Research Department Particle physics, Astrophysics, Geosciences, Environment and ecology of the Univ. Grenoble Alpes
2015-2020 Deputy Director of the Station Alpine J. Fourier in charge of research activities
2013-2019 Director of the Zone Atelier Alpes, a Long Term Ecological Network (LTER) for the French Alps.
2015-... In charge of a field internship in alpine ecology for master students
1993-... Main lectures in Functional Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Ecosystem modeling. Computer lab using R.
2023 Supervising three Ph.D students
2003-2019 Supervision of 9 Ph.D. students and mentoring of more than 20 undergraduates.
2021-... Scientific Advisor for preparing the labelling process of an eLTER site in Lautaret-Galibier
2015-2016 Expert to INRA and MEDDE for the evaluation of ecosystem services in French agropastoral ecosystems (EFESE project)
2011-2015 Science advisor for the Station Alpine J. Fourier
2001-2014 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Parc National des Ecrins.
Ongoing funded projects (as Principal investigator)
2021-2024 TOP Trajectories of agrO-Pastoral systems in mountains (ANR funded project)
Main past funded projets
2019-2023 PASTORALP. A LIFE project on Pastures vulnerability and adaptation strategies to climate change impacts in the Alps
2017-2019 SENTINELLES DES ALPES : a long-term monitoring and research initiative on social-ecological systems of the French Alps (funded by Office National de la Biodiversité)
2013-2016 ODYSSEE Opening new avenues to model the DYnamics of Species aSsemblages by integrating Ecology and Evolution: a case study from the mountain ecosystems of the Alps and the Carpathians (an ANR 'blanc international' funded project between France and Romania)
2011-2013. CAMELEON: CArbon dynamics in Mountain Ecosystems: analyzing Landscape-scale Effects Of aNthropogenic changes (an ERA-NET Circle Mountain funded project).
2011-2013. DIVGRASS: Plant Functional DIVersity of GRASSlands (an FRB-CESAB funded project).
2011-2013. RETROMONT : Holocene history of high alpine watershed reconstructed from lacustrine sediments (a CNRS funded project).
In a nutshell : 112 peer-reviewed publications, around 8,000 citations, h-index = 43. (source : Web of Science, last access on November 2024)
See my full profile on Researcher ID, Google Scholar, ResearchGATE, ORCID